Further Fan Fiction Fascinations

As noted in my FB post, my curiosity into the possible events involving the Bennet family, in the days and years after Elizabeth Bennet married Mr. Darcy, inspired me to compose my short story, The Signet Ring. Surely, I am not the only devoted fan of Pride & Prejudice who was disappointed that, by the conclusion of the novel, the entail would still provide that “vexing” inheritance to Mr. Collins and his bride?

The efforts to write a historically-accurate, yet quite different resolution to the entail, led me to some unusual research into the laws and customs of 18th century England concerning illegitimacy, paternity suits, signet rings - even the importation of cigars! No doubt, there are several befuddled meta-gathers poring over those “cookies”.

Still, I am contented with this short story, and the conclusion to my desire to add anything to the “P&P” theme. I also hope there aren’t any glaring errors to distract any readers of The Signet Ring in my website’s “Foolishly Free” section. (But let me know what you MAY find!). Lastly, I’ve discovered a fondness for this genre, and may venture writing another fan fiction story involving another, well-known book and a different, though just as well-known, author. Stay tuned….